Amy Owen

Closing in on the one-year anniversary of the shutdown Is a perfect time to publish our conversation with yoga instructor Amy Owen who shared how meditation has uniquely prepared her for this moment.


A NOTE FROM our co-founder Heiji:

Amy Owen has been my healer, motivator, yogi guru, and friend for the last nine years and especially through the pandemic. Despite having to practice through the screens, every week, Amy is there to help me get grounded and help me heal myself through the trauma of these days. 
I first started practicing yoga with her when I was pregnant with my third child. She has carried me through many ups and downs over the years. Her presence soothes, her adjustments with her hands are magical, and her intellect and serene disposition makes her one of the best yoga teachers I’ve ever encountered. The real clincher for me though, is her great eye and love for design and understanding of the fashion industry–totally unrelated to her practice but has meaning for me!

Jeune Otte: We love these photos! you look amazing in the india dress; so chic and fun. what do you think of the collection?

AMY: Oh I love it. Just really easy to wear and just so in line with [JO Founder] Heiji’s aesthetic. I used to go to Heijfina, her store in Bucktown way back when and she just has such a good eye. Everything is different, but very accessible.   I used to model way back when so I have a little bit of a fashion background, so even though I’m a yoga teacher, and you’d think “Oh, she’s not into the superficial,” I really appreciate lovely clothing that is an extension of who I am and what I am. I think they’re great outlets. I think it’s fun to be creative and express yourself in this outwardly way. 


JO: Speaking of modeling, we were SURPRISED TO learn you were a clumsy kid and yet you grew up to be a model and yoga instructor?

AMY: I was SO uncoordinated. I still am! My nickname was Godzilla because I would just fall over things all the time. 

JO: So what do you think your younger self would think about you now? And do you have any advice for that girl?

AMY:   Hmmm, that’s such a good question. I think she would be in awe of her older self and not even think it was a possibility. And I guess my advice would be: Your imagination is so limited. Your wildest imagination is still not as big as you should be dreaming. You’ve got to dream so much bigger than that. The possibilities are actually infinite. And instead of conjuring up who you’re gonna be, just follow the passion. Follow where the river flows and what draws you in and stay really open and curious and I think your life will unfold in a way that is bigger and better than you can imagine.

JO: Love this!

AMY: I feel like the path shows itself if you're really present. And that’s where the meditation is: you’re really present. You’re not living in the past, you’re not ruminating about what happened before or in a fear-driven place of what’s going to happen in the future and “Oh my god, what am I gonna do?”   I mean, when everything shut down my students were like “Hey, will you figure out how to teach classes from home?” And I was like “OK. Well, let me see how I can do that. Oh, there’s this thing called Zoom. OK, let me sign up.”  But I know quite a few other people who were just paralyzed, just sitting in this fear of “Oh my God, what’s going to happen?” Instead, I’m like, “What about this week? What about today? Let’s just start there.” No one can plan a year out right now. It’s just not possible. So for me, it’s kind of like the meditation has primed me for this type of time. You can’t predict tomorrow. You can’t change yesterday. Today is really all you have. 


Thank you for the inspiration AMY!

learn more about amy owen and her yoga and meditation practice here!


Naomi Beckwith


Eliana Martinez