International Women’s Month 2022

Talking with women we admire

 "I’m inspired by women who age naturally and gracefully. In our culture there’s a lot of pressure to conform to society’s definition of youth or beauty. I love seeing a woman who has embraced her unique beauty and essence and is not self conscious about the natural process of growing older… her energy is so vital that you feel the youth of her spirit a mile away. "

Jessie de Lowe, manifestation coach and @howyouglow co-founder

 "So many people inspire me for various reasons. All of the women in my life certainly do. I learn about compassion, support, tenacity and strength from all of them. The women of I am a voter, of which I am a founding member, all inspire me for their unwavering dedication to engaging people in civic duty and voter awareness. A lot of female journalists who work tirelessly to shed light on marginalized or voiceless populations inspire me, namely Clarissa Ward, Maria Ressa and Gayle Tzemach Lemmon."

Journalist & author Melissa Magsaysay



Spring Break with Collection IV


Collection IV